For over 75 years, the versatile material of wood has characterised JAF's path. Our business development over the past decades has been characterised by healthy and sustainable growth. As the size of our company grows, so does the responsibility of our corporate group. In this sustainability report (ESG report) for the 2023 reporting year, we have systematically collected data on environmental, social and governance reporting fields across the Group for the first time in order to derive effective targets and measures for our actions.The first report was exclusively published in German.
Ambitious goals in sight
As the JAF team, we recognise the great opportunities that the future holds for wood as a building material. We are particularly proud of the fact that around 1.2 million tonnes of CO₂ are temporarily bound in the goods we sell. Wood products make a decisive contribution to the transformation of the construction industry, as they store carbon and are renewable. We therefore want to fulfil our special role as a timber trader in this transformation and at the same time take responsibility for future generations - in ecological, social and economic terms. To this end, we have set ourselves challenging targets for 2030 and are committed to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).